Couples and Other Relationships

Our approach is different; we see couples as a couple—both of us in the room with both of you.

How do you get to a relationship you both want? That relationship can seem very far away or just around the corner. We provide the safe environment, guidance and skills to get you there. The journey becomes not just "my story" or "your story" but "our story."

As a psychoanalyst and a psychologist, we bring complementary skills to the work of couples therapy. Our clients benefit from the two perspectives and can feel more heard.

Learn communication skills

• Explain what you each want from the relationship
• Speak nondestructively so the other can hear
• Acknowledge the other’s reality without necessarily agreeing

Explore the relationship

• Positive and negative patterns and influences
• The impact of culture and family background
• Hurtful experiences and behaviors
• Unspoken, forgotten or unformed hopes, beliefs, dreams or desires
• Corrosive or constricting relationship roles
• Happy and positive aspects of the relationship

Learn to change

Both wanted and unwanted changes can be difficult. We provide the opportunity, guidance, insight, new skills and encouragement for change.


Problems will continue unless new behaviors are set. Learn techniques, exercises and practices to negotiate differences and rekindle intimacy and affection. Develop mindful awareness, release resentment and find healing for past hurts so you can move forward with positivity.